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Latest Company News

October 2023

Approval of T4C Project

Working in Front of Multiple Screens

The Company

INNUM Technologies Private Capital Company was established in 2022 by professionals with extensive experience in the fields of private investments, research & development, and innovation.

The company's name consists of initials of the title that expresses its activities and targets:


Innovation Upstream and Mainstream Technologies ​


The company is currently developing, among other smart products, an integrated innovative system that will contribute to tackling climate change and ensuring the resilience of important sectors of the international economy against this phenomenon and its effects.

Solar Panels Technicians


1. Design, development, support, operation and management of integrated software systems


2. Design and distribution of online software

3. Provision of IT application services


4. Participation in projects in the fields of innovation, ICT, research & development, national and regional development


5. Support to companies to succeed in development programmes


6. Elaboration of studies

7. Provision of support services to companies and agencies

Robotic Arm


Our People


​INNUM's human resources include all the specialties required for the development of innovative technological applications and the implementation of funded projects across the entire range of market activities and products. ​


The team of INNUM includes: ​


IT professionals



Economists - Tax Experts


Private Capital Company

© 2023-2025 by Innum

19, Kanari Str., GR 38222, Volos

Gen. Comm. Reg.: 167852544000

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